Monday, July 12, 2010

Plant of the Week - Calandrinia grandiflora

Not many plants can compete with the showiness of calandrinia. A succulent requiring little water and little care (other than well drained soil), calandrinia will delight with its mounding grey-green form and neon purple flowers. It has a mounding habit, but can become open in the center due to the weight of the stems. I find a little support goes a long way, such as the wire fence these above are using at Flora Grubb in San Francisco. I have even seen them planted in median strips along a busy boulevard, so you know it's a tough plant! A very unusual addition to one's garden.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Plant of the Week - Aesculus californica (California Buckeye)

One of the more noticeable natives blooming right now is the California Buckeye. Unmistakable with its showy upright white blooms, this charming tree is a four season winner. Leafing out early in winter (responding to the increased moisture in the soil), blooming late spring, and sometimes loosing its leaves by mid summer, Aesculus can be kept green longer in a garden setting with some additional summer water. Aside from the beautiful spring display, I think one of the best features of this tree is it's bark. Smooth grey when young, aging to a gnarled form rarely seen on other plants. Keep dogs away from the large seed pods, as they are poisonous.

Plant of the Week - Salvia spathacea (Hummingbird Sage)

Looking for a native that will thrive in dry shade, provide a bright pop of color and attract hummingbirds? Look no further, Salvia spathacea is your plant. Blooms on this beauty can reach 3-4' in ideal conditions, and begin in late winter. A good groundcover for tough areas (such as under oaks), this salvia will spread slowly, but is not aggressive. The pink to red flowers are extremely attractive to Hummingbirds, and provide a food source for them early in the year. You can cut this plant back to the ground to rejeuvenate, and to prevent from getting leggy. A few cultivated varieties such as 'Powerline Pink' will tolerate more sun and heat than the native original.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Plant of the Week - Iris sp. (Bearded Iris)

For me, nothing reminds me more of the budding summer season than the scent of bearded iris. Growing up in Colorado, the first blooms of these beauties always coincided with the last day of school, and have been one of my favorites ever since. Requiring relatively little care, iris are a great addition to summer borders, tucked amongst summer blooming perennials like salvias and coneflowers. Iris rhizomes prefer to be planted in full sun (protection from late afternoon sun is best in hot areas) and in well drained soils. Make sure the top of the rhizome is peeking above the soil for optimal blooms. Available in almost every imaginable color, and usually a recycled joy from someone else's garden, bearded iris can be a great addition (and memory) for you.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Plant of the Week - Clematis sp. (Clematis)

Its hard to compete with the showy array of blooms on this picket fence! Deciduous clematis vines are a wonderful addition to other, later blooming vines. Perfect for cottage gardens, most species need a fair amount of sun for optimal bloom, but like their roots in the shade - much like a carolina jessamine. With colors ranging from pristine white to all shades of purple and red, they are easy to blend with other landscape plantings. Try a dark purple variety behind berberis 'aurea' or cotinus 'golden spirit'. The lavender beauty above would look stunning behind a swath of heuchera 'wendy' or 'ole rochette' Use generous amounts of mulch around the base to keep the roots cool, and plant in a well drained, rich soil.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Plant of the Week - Euphorbia sp. (Euphorbia)

While nearing the tail end of their main blooming period, euphorbias have delighted us with their stunning blossoms for the last couple of months. This is one of the most versatile plants in the garden, with varieties ranging in size, color and habit to suit many applications. A drought tolerant, low maintenance, deer resistant and tolerant of varying light conditions, the euphorbia is near the top of my list for a must have in our northern California gardens. One of my newer favorites is 'Tasmanian Tiger', a 3 to 4' shrub with verigated cream and sage leaves with white flowering bracts. Its sure to brighten up any corner of the yard.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Plant of the Week - Clivia sp. (Kaffir Lily)

Clivia is a great plant for a difficult situation. It prefers dry shade, and needs to be kept out of direct sunlight to ensure its dark green, strappy leaves stay looking great. In our area, its typically a winter bloomer, showing signs of its beautiful orange (or yellow) flowers as early as February and into late spring (mine have been blooming for a solid 7 weeks now). This plant actually prefers to be close to itself, so I don't suggest dividing like most other perennials. While still a relatively pricey plant, its well worth it for the showiness it provides in dark settings. A must for your California shade garden!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Plant of the Week - Echium candicans (Pride of Madeira)

This versatile and fast growing shrub is at its prime right now. With large stalks of blue to indigo (some varieties bloom pink or white), Echium is a plant that is hard to miss. The course textured leaves provided a needed foil in the garden, and gives good form to beds and hillsides when not in bloom. Echium grows very quickly, given the right conditions of sun and well drained soil, so its probably best to start with a 1 gallon size, and give it a little time and a lot of space to grow. Growing to 10' across, this plant needs plenty of room, and its well worth the space you will make for it!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Plant of the Week - Cercis sp. (Redbud)

This is another plant I have been witing weeks to feature in my blog, and it's time certainly is now. Redbud (C. occidentalis is 'western', C. canadensis is 'eastern') is very showy now with its light to dark pink profusion of blooms, but adds interest to the landscape any time of year. In summer the heart shaped green leaves provide a great backdrop for summer blooming perennials. In fall, the bright yellow color is beautiful. In winter, the 'peapods' of C. occidentalis persist, and the interesting grey bark and form are pretty in the winter landscape.
There are many varieties available including 'alba' (a white bloomer) and 'forest pansy' (with burgandy leaves).
Ask me where the best place in your landscape is for one of these beauties!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Plant of the Week - Billbergia sp. (NZ Friendship Plant)

This is definitely the most interesting plant blooming in my garden right now. This particular specimen was given to me by my mother's friend, Annette (a native of NZ). While the plant itself originates from Brazil, this member of the bromeliad family is grown all over the tropics and temperate regions. It prefers a lot of indirect light...the filtered light under my large cedar seems to keep this one extremely happy. If you'd like to have one for yourself, just let me know as it multiplies easily. The pink, blue and yellow flowers are unique and an pleasant conversation piece given the right place in your garden. I find it best in a container, where you can moniter the water and light it receives.