Monday, April 5, 2010

Plant of the Week - Echium candicans (Pride of Madeira)

This versatile and fast growing shrub is at its prime right now. With large stalks of blue to indigo (some varieties bloom pink or white), Echium is a plant that is hard to miss. The course textured leaves provided a needed foil in the garden, and gives good form to beds and hillsides when not in bloom. Echium grows very quickly, given the right conditions of sun and well drained soil, so its probably best to start with a 1 gallon size, and give it a little time and a lot of space to grow. Growing to 10' across, this plant needs plenty of room, and its well worth the space you will make for it!

1 comment:

  1. ..and virtually slug-proof!
    I love the Echiums, especially the whopping great big pininana but we have just lost the ones in our London garden owing to the cold Winter. This is just the incentive I need to start again!
